Francisco Manuel Morales Rodríguez

University of Granada Spain

Has a Degree and Ph.D. in Psychology, a Degree in Labour Sciences, is a Full Professor at the University of Granada, and is active in research. He coordinates and participates in Innovation Projects in Education, Training, and Employment. He has published several books and articles in academic journals, as well as worked as a referee in journals and congresses. He is currently doing research into affective-sexual and gender diversities and coordinates the advanced innovation project 'Transversal Education for Affective-Sexual, Gender and Corporal Diversities”. He was awarded one of the nine Research Prizes from the General Foundation of the University of Málaga. He has received the William James Award for Psychopedagogical Innovation of the International Scientific Association of Psychopedagogy.

Francisco Manuel Morales Rodríguez

2chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Francisco Manuel Morales Rodríguez

Emotional intelligence (EQ) relates to an individual’s ability to identify and manage emotions - both one’s own emotions and the emotions of others. The components include self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. This ability should be useful in many settings and interactions. Evidence suggests that the most effective leaders have high scores on emotional intelligence. They can modulate their emotions as they interact with their staff. They can understand the emotions of others and unite them in a common goal. But can emotional intelligence be used negatively in these settings? As with almost everything in life, yes, even something that should be seen as positive can be twisted and turned to the dark side. Individuals can use their understanding of others’ emotions to manipulate them or harness the energy of a group for self-serving goals. Are there ways to recognize when emotional tools are being used negatively? How does emotional intelligence relate to certain psychiatric disorders, such as eating disorders, social anxiety, and addictions? Does a higher emotional intelligence aid recovery, resilience, and adapting to change? Or are there times that awareness of others’ emotions can impair one’s ability to act? How do personality styles and personality disorders, such as borderline personality disorder, relate to emotional intelligence? What is the neuroscience behind emotional intelligence? What parts of the brain are involved? How can we develop emotional intelligence in children and adults? Are there certain professions that benefit from having higher emotional intelligence, such as healthcare? Should we screen individuals attempting to enter these fields and assess their EQ? How does EQ relate to IQ or does it? Are there tools that foster positive use of EQ, such as mindfulness? This volume seeks to take the understanding of emotional intelligence to a deeper level and to explore new and exciting directions.

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New Insights into Emotional Intelligence IntechOpen
New Insights into Emotional Intelligence Edited by Francisco Manuel Morales Rodríguez

New Insights into Emotional Intelligence

Edited by Francisco Manuel Morales Rodríguez